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April 2018 - Year 20; Issue 2

ISSN 1755-9715

Contributor's Guidelines

Humanising Language Teaching Magazine

Contributor's guidelines

1. The format of articles submitted for publication


Word Document open so that editorial changes can be introduced, NOT for viewing only/
Font Times New Roman
Spacing single spaced


The Article

Title bold font 14 , e.g. This is the Title of my Article
Author/s bold font 12, e.g. This is my name, country
Bio data of author/s - 3-5 lines written in the third person + possibly e-mail address if the author/s agree - plain font 12, e.g.


XYZ is a teacher at............. S/he is interested in. Has written / has co-written. Current professional interests are. Enjoys working with.............. E-mail: ................

If you wish you can add a photo.

Menu bold font 12
Menu contents plain font 12 underlined e.g.





section headings bold font 12 e.g. Introduction, Research findings
main body of article plain font 12
paragraphing do not indent, leave a free line between paragraphs


References                 plain font 12 e.g.

name, initials, (year) Title /underlined/, publisher, if applicable pages pp

for guidance and example
see e.g.:


a long article is usually 5-10 pages
a short article is usually 1-4 pages
letters, lesson plans pretty relaxed format/length as long as you stick to the general outlines


  • there is no strict word limit as this is an website magazine and space/columns are not a problem
  • do not use footnotes
  • if in doubt look up sample articles on the website or contact the Editor


2. Other useful information

  • We can publish images - please submit in jpg format - sent as a separate file/s.
  • Your article can be linked to a website of your choice or recommendation.
  • We can put in a banner of your school, publication/s, website link in the issue in which you publish an article. More frequent appearances of the banner to be negotiated with the Editor.
  • It is best if you provide the banner in the form you want it to appear on the website.
  • We cannot guarantee that if you submit an article it will be published in HLT.
  • It is up to the Editor to decide in which issue your article will be included, depending on the general theme of the whole issue.
  • The Editor has the right to introduce some editorial changes.
  • Generally HLT does not publish any advertising.
  • Permission to reprint articles published in HLT can be negotiated with the Editor.


Hania Kryszewska
HLT Editor