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December 2019 - Year 21 - Issue 6

ISSN 1755-9715


Joseph D. Stec was born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio (USA) to a family of Polish and Ukrainian immigrants. After studying English Literature at Miami University, he worked on the American Stock Exchange in New York City. After witnessing the lingering devastation of the September 11th firsthand, he moved to Poland to lecture at university. Joseph has since also lived and worked in Ukraine, Russia, Istanbul, Belgrade, Taiwan, and South Korea.



No pride,

only envy.


A Lost pack is packed away

caged off

and caged in,

completely and quietly castrated


The King of the Caravan

is parked aside a concrete castle


excluding clown and jester


Prairie picnics-

bloodless paws drip of ersatz steak


from frozen jungles

from non-trophy huntresses


Reduced to prey


covetous brothers

telepathically trade chains


Only envy,

no pride.

Tagged  Poems