Bi-lingual Poem Writing as a Learning Tool
In retirement I have become a learner again in three languages:
Albanian (A1), a rank beginner
French (C 1.5)
German (A2-B1)
I used to write poems in my uni days but very little since. These last three years I have wanted to again say things in this way.
The CARE-LESS HUSBAND, (see below) came to me in English and then I wanted to share it with my mates in a local German conversation group (here in Kent). I produced a first German version which was then taken in hand by a friend in Germany. I have gone along, gratefully, with most of Karl’s suggestions/corrections.
However bad you find my original and weak my/our translation I can assure you that these sparse lines have been gone over again and again in both languages. I have, on the way, learnt a great deal of the target language, and in depth. My egoism and pride are heavily involved and the words the German language has lent me to express these thoughts about Peter, sexuality and my wife are now firmly and deeply mine.
Sometimes the making of such pairs of poems is the other way round … the poem is born in the target language and the mother tongue version is its shadow.
I guess there may be a few people in your classes (and I do mean a few) who find poems fun to write… . Maybe you could suggest that they try working bilingually in order to deepen their feel for both mother tongue and the target language. (It would be a goofy enterprise to expect all students to want to work this way.)
After 40 years as a language teacher and 30 as a teacher trainer it is luxurious to be mainly now a language learner!
A Care-less Husband Ein Ehemann um den sich niemand Kuemmert
Peter has a carebook Peter hat ein Pflegebuch
The carers come and go Die Pfleger kommen und gehen
Yeah, he has a carebook Ja wirklich, er hat ein Pflegebuch
Tells you all you need to know. Darin steht alles was du wissen musst
Peter never married Peter hat nie geheiratet
His girls were ripe and ready Seine Maedchen waren reif und bereit
But Peter has a carebook Aber Peter hat ein Pflegebuch
That keeps you up-to-date. Das dich auf den Laufenden haelt
I’d love to have a carebook Ich haette gern ein Pflegebuch
After fifty years of wedlock Nach fuenfzig Jahren Ehe
( and who was it lost the key?) (Und wer war es, die den Schluessel verloren hat?)
How about a carebook just for me? Wie waere es mit einem Pflegebuch nur fuer mich alleine?
My wife could write her good intentions Meine Frau koennte ihre guten Absichten schreiben
In this carebook for the record. In diese Pflegebuch als Beweis fuer die Nachwelt
This might salve her iffy conscience Dies koennte ihr ungutes Gewissn erloesen
And tell the world Und der Welt Mitteilen
What wie
Might es haette
Have gewesen
Been. sein koennen
Apologies to HLT readers who haven’t chanced on German on their way.
The Poem
Alan Maley, UKBi-lingual Poem Writing as a Learning Tool
Mario Rinvolucri, UK