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August 2021 - Year 23 - Issue 4

ISSN 1755-9715

Communicating through Constructive Alliterations in Second Language Teaching

George Bradford Patterson is a retired teacher and lecturer of ESL/EFL  He has written and published a “Dictionary of Second Language Teaching Techniques: A Pedagogical Treasure” and numerous article in numerous EFL journals, magazines, and newsletters.  He has a Master’s Degree from Rutgers –The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA, My, 1982.  Email:


Communicating throughgh constructive alliterations is an ESLnd second language teaching technique, comprising  listening/speaking/reading/writing/vocabulary skills, at the intermediate,  advanced intermediate and advanced levels, for learning to communicate peacefully, in pairs or small groups.  Some alliterations which can be employed to help him/her learn to communicate  peacefully:

 One of the most powerful processes for memorable meaning-making is that of  alliteration, the ability   to repeat the same sound or letter at the beginning of two or more words in a presumably unforgettable statement. This mnemonic device can become a strategy for self-control in constructive communication in ESL and second language classes. If one’s communicative life is guided by an alliteration such as Dignify your Daily Dialogues (stored mentally or included in one’s written repertoire of reminders for communicating peacefully), one can educate oneself  to employ language(s) in ways which can dignify both him/her and the person(s) he/she will be interacting with.

Given the open ended linguistic creativity of human beings, alliterations can be formed on the basis of each letter of the alphabet. Here are a few alliterative statements, to inspire one and to invite one to form his/her own from now on, for uses in varied contexts, particularly in activities which call for previous communicative preparation, such as lessons, lectures, meetings, report writing, text-quality assessment and the like.    Alliterations can be employed also for students’ talks and workshops. Applications can be found for other communicative needs.  The language student should cultivate his/her humanizing ability to alliterate for peace.   Here are some examples for communicating peacefully constructive alliterations:

AAA - Aim at affect and amiability

BBB - Build bridges of blessings

CCC - Consider controversies constructively

DDD – Demonstrate  Decency and Dedication

DDD - Develop a democratic discourse

EEF:  Encourage Empathy and Emulation

FFF - Foster friendship and fraternity

HHH - Honor Humanity and Humaneness

I I I - Inculcate integration and interdependence

J J J - Join Justice and peace Joyfully

LLL - Lead with life-supporting love

MMM – Multiply mediation and meditation

NNN - Nourish negotiation norms

OOO - Opt for openheartedness and open-mindedness

PPP – Perceive persons as peace partners

SSS - Sustain security and solidarity

TTT - Treat others with tact and tenderness

UUU - Unite for ultimate universality

VVV - Veto violent vocabulary

VVV – Vivify Vision and Vibrancy

WWW - Weigh your words with wisdom

As a technique for self-education in peaceful communication, the language teacher should guide the language students to see how the process of alliteration should pay many beautiful humanizing dividends in their lives.  This can become a worthwhile and meaningful  peace linguistics technique for the second language teacher and the students in the classroom that can be employed a lot.   Using it reduces boredom and creates a dynamic second language teaching class.



Gomes de Matos, F.2006.. “Language, peace and conflict resolution”. in M.Deutsch, P.Coleman & E.Marcus (Eds.). The Handbook of Conflict Resolution. 2nd Edition. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass (pp.158-175).

Gomes de Matos, F.2006.  “Linguistica dad a Paz:  Uma experiencia brasilera”(“Peace Linguistics:  A Brazilian experience”). In online journal Glosas Didacticas(Spain).

Gomes de Matos, F.  2008.  “Learning to Communicate Peacefully”.  In Encyclopedia of Communication.  Teachers College, Columbia University:  New York, New York, USA.

 Patterson, G B.  2014. Dictionary of Second Language Teaching Techniques: A Pedagogical Treasure.  Nueva Ecija Province, Philippines.


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