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August 2023 - Year 25 - Issue 4

ISSN 1755-9715

Humour ‘in the box’ and ‘outside the box’

In creativity and humanism in language teaching we often talk about lateral thinking and ‘thinking outside the box’. It is about finding innovative ways and looking at things from a different perspective. This metaphor which now has become almost a cliché when we talk about unconventional and open minded thinking. No wonder it has become the butt of many jokes. Here are some I have found recently and which I think are quite amusing. Enjoy.


Test time


Game time


Success time


What is better ‘in’ or ‘out of the’ box?



Plucking up the courage


Please check the Pilgrims f2f courses at Pilgrims website.

Please check the Pilgrims online courses at Pilgrims website.

Tagged  Humour 
  • Humour ‘in the box’ and ‘outside the box’
    found online by Hanna Kryszewska, Poland