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August 2023 - Year 25 - Issue 4

ISSN 1755-9715

How Video in The Classroom Can Revolutionize Learning

Cris Mark Baroro is currently working in as a Search Engine Optimisation Specialist. He is a tech enthusiast who loves capturing photos and videos. He loves technology and can do video editing, programming, QA system testing, and writing. Email:



Countless initiatives have been made throughout the years to use technology as a great way to raise educational standards. Video has emerged as one of the most promising tools for enhancing classroom learning. Using videos in the classroom is a great way students can learn by providing them with a dynamic and interactive educational experience that keeps them engaged.

It's been proven that video is an effective alternative teaching tool, especially challenging subjects, such as science, history, and math. By using video, educators can provide visual demonstrations that help students understand complex concepts in a more tangible way. Videos may be a useful tool for illustrating real-world situations and showing students how the theories they are studying relate to their everyday lives.


Enhance student engagement

One of the most significant benefits of incorporating video in the classroom is that it can enhance student engagement. Traditional methods of teaching often rely on lectures, which can be dry and monotonous. Nevertheless, video may provide a more immersive and interesting learning experience that motivates students to actively participate.

Teachers can pique students' curiosity and imagination by using videos, which will motivate them to participate more actively in their education.


Promote self-paced learning

Another advantage of using video in the classroom is that it can promote self-paced learning. Students may learn at their own speed and on their own time by giving them access to video information.

Students who have trouble in regular classroom settings or who need more time to comprehend complicated subjects may benefit most from this method.


Facilitate personalized learning

Furthermore, video can also facilitate personalized learning. Teachers can offer students a more individualized educational experience that is suited to their unique needs and learning preferences by using video.


By using video editors, teachers can customize the educational presentations to make it more engaging and interesting for their students. They can also edit out any errors in their presentations and improve the quality of the overall product. They can also use a video compressor to shrink videos without losing its quality before saving it or uploading it online.

A student can learn in the way that is most effective for them by using video to create instructional content that is customized to their needs and interests.


Enhance collaboration and communication

Finally, video can also enhance collaboration and communication in the classroom. By incorporating video, teachers can create opportunities for students to work together and discuss their learning experiences. Video may also be utilized to support online learning, helping students connect with one another and their instructors no matter where they are.

Collaboration tools such as zoom and google meet are great ways to enhance remote learning systems. Also, with the use of live streaming services such as Streamyard, VEED, screen-o-matic and OBS.

Videos can also be saved to popular formats such as flv, mov and mp4 which can be compressed by an mp4 compressor and can be retrieved easily for future use. It can also be shared online so that more students can have access and learn from it.



Using videos in the classroom can completely transform the learning experience for students. Lessons may become more interesting, immersive, and tailored to the requirements of each student as a result, enabling deeper connections with the subject matter. By using video, teachers can enhance student engagement, promote self-paced learning, facilitate personalized learning, and enhance collaboration and communication in the classroom.

The value of video in education will continue to rise as a result of the fast advancement of technology. It'll offer students exciting and inventive methods to learn and succeed, both inside and outside the classroom.


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