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February 2025 - Year 27 - Issue 1

ISSN 1755-9715



Pilgrims News

  1. Pilgrims News: This New Year, Segovia Becomes Our New Canterbury, Till Gins, Lead Officer, Pilgrims
  2. HUPE: A Report from 32nd Annual International HUPE Conference Nov 15-17, 2024 Valamar Poreć, Croatia, Marta Bujakowska, Pilgrims
  3. TESOL France 15th-17th  November, Paris 2024, Hania Kryszewska, Pilgrims
  4. The 49th.Annual TESOL - Italy Convention, Stephania Ballotto, Pilgrims

ELT News

  1. APPI Conference, Lisbon 25th -27th April, 2025
  2. TESOL-SPAIN 48th Annual National Convention, 14-16th March, 2025, Burgos
  3. TESOL Athens, Greece 46th Convention 8 – 9 March, 2025
  4. IATEFL Edinburgh 8th -11th  April,  2025
  5. T&T (Teaching and Testing) in English Language Conference: Developmental Approaches to Teaching and Testing, 21-22 August, 2025 Melaka, Malaysia

Various Articles - All levels and ages

  1. Reading Aloud with Everyone, George M Jacobs and Willy A Renandya, Singapore
  2. Learning a Language on the Run, Maria Liudvika Drazdauskiene, Lithuania

Various Articles - Tertiary

  1. Improving EFL University Courses Through Practical Techniques from The Science of Learning, Hall Houston, Taiwan
  2. Effects of Task-Based Language Teaching on Students’ Grammar Acquisition at Van Lang University, Tran Thi Thanh Mai, Vietnam
  3. Determining Authenticity in the Era of ChatGPT, Shin Minsong, Lee Jiwon, Jeon Juyeon and Max Watson, South Korea

Various Articles - Teaching Profession

  1. Musings of an Academic Manage, Jim Fuller, Spain
  2. The Thriving Freelancer: Annual Review of My Business 2024, Rachael Roberts, UK

21st century skills

  1. Enhancing English Language Learning with Google Arts & Culture, Flora Debora Floris, Indonesia

5 Eco Issues

  1. My New Book: "Activities for a Greener Mindset", Harry Waters, UK
  2. Reflecting Sustainability in ELT: A Materials Writer’s Perspective, John Hughes, UK
  3. ECO Poem: Without…, Alan Maley, UK

Lesson Ideas

  1. ‘Sophie the Lady and Mouse in the House’: Arts and Crafts  ELT Project for  Young Learners, Sylwia Zabor-Żakowska, Poland
  2. Ten Years of ETpedia: Twenty Activities

Golden Classics

  1. Graded Readers and Oxford Reading Club: Today and in the Past, Hania (Hanna) Kryszewska, Poland

The Creativity Group

  1. The Art of Growing, Chrysa Papalazarou, Greece     


  1. All About Learning, Roy J Andersen, UK
  2. The Need to Teach Reason, Roy Andersen, UK


  1. "Teaching Young Language Learners Through Stories", by Sharon Ahlquist, from Pavilion
  2. VESPA from Crown House publishing
  3. Review of Jeremy Harmer’s (2023) "Artemio’s Fire" and "Old Gods" from  Wayzgoose Press, Alan Maley, UK


  1. Testing Times Xmas 2024 Edition: The Testing Times ‘Cheat Sheet’ for Language Test Takers, Geoff Tranter, Germany


  1. A Poetic Ode to Dusk, Eisha Tareen, Pakistan

To the Editor