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August 2021 - Year 23 - Issue 4

ISSN 1755-9715

‘The First Four Years of English’ by Christoph Jaffke



Bund der Freien Waldorfschulen – Stuttgart - ISBN 978-3-944911-62-5

A brand new book has recently been published on teaching the English language in primary education. The author, the very experienced German professor Christoph Jaffke, has written a wonderful book that should not be missed by teachers of English. Not only is there a wealth of teaching ideas that can easily be used in class, but thoroughly considered methodological introductions on listening, speaking, writing are also incorporated in this extremely useful book. Christoph Jaffke has published many books and articles over the years and he has travelled the world to instruct teachers of English how young learners can best be taught the English language.

The book opens with a quote from the educational specialst J. H. Pestalozzi: ‘Only that is educational, really, truly and in accord with nature, which involves the whole strength of human nature as head, heart and hand.’ All teaching material offered in this book is in accordance with this methodological principle.

The pedagogical starting point of the author finds its origin in the ideas of Waldorf Education which started over a hundred years ago in Germany. The author’s experience, firmly reworked and updated, can be found in this book.

There is a plethora of songs, stories, choral chanting texts, plays, rhymes, dialogues, etc. that can immediately be used in class.

There are many books on foreign language teaching on the market, but this one, it must be said, stands out and surpasses all expections that a teacher could ever have. Highly recommended!

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