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August 2021 - Year 23 - Issue 4

ISSN 1755-9715

The Magic Circle

The magic circle


There is a magic circle friend.

I’d love for you to join.

The rules are very simple

and it doesn’t cost a coin


Do what makes you happy.

See what makes you smile.

Hear the words that make you want

to stay and talk awhile


Speak to those who warm your heart.

Love them with your eyes.

Let them know you love them so.

You’ll see that this is wise.


Look for good in others.

Seek until you find

the diamond hidden in the heart

of each of humankind.


Not only will their spirits lift,

but they will pass it on

and waves of love will go around

and come to you anon.


And maybe when a stranger smiles

at you when you are down

your heart will glow.

For you will know

the magic’s come around

Tagged  Poems