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October 2022 - Year 24 - Issue 5

ISSN 1755-9715

TESTING TIMES - A Special Boris Johnson Resignation Edition: The Boris Johnson Taxonomy of Failure Excuses

I hope you enjoy the latest, up-to-the-minute issue of TESTING TIMES, the satirical newsletter that shows that political reality is just like language assessment.

This edition is devoted to - who else but - Boris Johnson, who for three years was a leader who did not lead and couldn't even get Brexit done,  and is now a caretaker leader who is not taking care of the country.

But he does give every test-taker a wide repertoire of excuses for failure. Read on!

Enjoy, and feel free to pass this on to any colleagues or friends who you feel might also enjoy.

Tagged  Humour 
  • TESTING TIMES - A Special Boris Johnson Resignation Edition: The Boris Johnson Taxonomy of Failure Excuses
    Geoff Trantner, Germany