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August 2020 - Year 22 - Issue 4

ISSN 1755-9715


  1. Editorial
  2. Pilgrims News
    1. Message from Chaz
    2. Remembering Paul Davis
  3. Various Articles - Secondary
    1. The Application of the SAMR Model in The 12th-Grade-English Classroom of “S” Senior High School, Angela Grace Handoko, Indonesia
  4. Various Articles - Assessment/Testing
    1. From Assessment OF Learning to Assessment FOR Learning, Ali Saukah, Indonesia
  5. Various Articles - Business/Speaking
    1. Implementing a Systemic Functional Approach To Teach Business Speaking, Ni Putu Era Marsakawati, Indonesia
  6. Various Articles - Technology
    1. A Study of Indonesian High School Students’ Perception on the Use of Instagram as English Instructional Media, Made Hery Santosa, Indonesia
    2. The Use of Technology in English Language Teaching: Contexts, Constraints, and Hopes in Indonesia, Anita Lie, Indonesia
  7. Various Articles - SEN
    1. Humanizing Your Reading Class: The Magic of Working with an Autistic Learner, Mega Wati, Indonesia
  8. Various Articles - Culture
    1. Attending Voice in the Hybrid Contact Zone, Inggrit O. Tanasale, Indonesia
  9. Various Articles - Teachers’ perspective
    1. Problems Encountered by Student-Teachers in Two Junior High Schools in Central Java,  Yulio Ageng Prastomo and Listyani, Indonesia
    2. “Learning from the Past”: Self-Reflections of Three Indonesian Pre-service English Teachers, M. Faruq Ubaidillah, Indonesia, Shinta Amalia, Indonesia and Veronico N. Tarrayo, Philippines
    3. A Case Study on Nonverbal Communication in EFL Classes in the Indonesian Context Rida Afrilyasanti, Indonesia and Yazid Basthomi, Indonesia
  10. 21st Century Skills
    1. Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) in Language Classrooms, Johan Setiawan and Edwan Dhika Dwijayaputra Liew, Indonesia
    2. Some Ideas to Bring Web Applications into Our English Classrooms, Diah Fakhmawati, Indonesia
    3. Mobile Assisted English Language Learning: A Selection of Free Applications, Stephen J. Hall, Malaysia
  11. Lesson Ideas 
    1. Lesson Ideas: Discussing Religious Values in English Classrooms, In an Intercultural Way, Fenty Lidya Siregar, Indonesia
    2. To-Too-Two, Price-Prize, See-Sea, Johanna B. S. Pantow, Indonesia
    3. Bilingual Short Story for Translation Class, Junaedi Setiyono, Indonesia
    4. “Where is Komodo?”: Student-tailored E-books for Indonesian EFL Learners, Nicole Lam, Hong Kong SAR, China and Ju Seong Lee, Hong Kong SAR, China
    5. A Private Reading Lesson: A Story with Cia, Sandi Ferdiansyah, Indonesia
    6. Impressive First Class Meeting: Jigsaw Technique Oriented, Siti Mina Tamah, Indonesia
    7. “Switching” to Critical Reading: Reading within the Four Resources Framework, Endang Setyaningsih, Indonesia
    8. Teaching Students on How to Summarize Journal Articles, Dyah Sunggingwati, Indonesia 
  12. Golden Classics
    1. Read, then Write, Ekaning Dewanti Laksmi, Indonesia
  13. The Creativity Group
    1. The Integration of Art in Foreign Language Teaching, Eleni Anastasiadou and Glikeria Selimi, Greece
  14. Voices
    1. The Irreplaceable Teachers’ Roles, Synthia Santoso, Indonesia and Oscar Jodi, Indonesia
    2. Memorization is Important for Academic Achievement, Siusana Kweldju, Indonesia
    3. Humanizing Grammar Teaching in Indonesia, David Wijaya, Indonesia and Jovita Gianina, Indonesia
  15. Publications
    1. Sociocultural Theory and the Pedagogical Imperative in L2 Education: Vygotskian Praxis and the Research/Practice Divide, reviewed by Ke Ma, Australia
    2. Dynamic assessment: A Vygotskian Approach to Understanding and Promoting L2 Development, reviewed by Jisoo Kim, Australia
    3. Short Book Reviews, Hanna Kryszewska, Poland
  16. Humour
    1. Humour is No Laughing Matter, Willy A. Renandya, Singapore
  17. Poems 
    1. The Sweet Smell of My Teaching Reflection  Singgih Widodo Limantoro, Indonesia 
    2. When I Taught English, Antonina Y.D Suryantari, Indonesia
    3. Sandwich: for ESP teachers Arnis Silvia, Indonesia
    4. Thoughts in Verse, A. Effendi Kadarisman, Indonesia
  18. To the Editor
  19. Our Partners
  20. Contributor’s Guidelines