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April 2022 - Year 24 - Issue 2

ISSN 1755-9715


Dear HLT Readers,

Welcome to the April issue of HLT. First of all I want to say on behalf of us all at Pilgrims and HLT that our thoughts and hearts are with the people of Ukraine.


In this issue you will find Poems for Ukraine Read at Pilgrims Café on 5th March 2022 selected by Chaz Pugliese, and The Ukraine Collection – poems written for Ukraine and the brave people of Ukraine,  or selected by the C Group members when thinking about Ukraine and Ukrainians - this horrible war on innocent people, all edited by  Alan Maley. The collection is one of the many C Group contributions to this issue of HLT, I am happy to say.            


Here are a few words about the C group from one of its founding fathers – Alan Maley.

For more about the C Group read here.

The C Group rather quickly lost momentum.  After a heady start and enthusiasm for the idea, members have tended to subside into the comfort of membership without the tiresome necessity of doing anything to justify it.  In the hope that we might resuscitate some of the initial enthusiasm, I recently mailed members asking for contributions to the special section of HLTmag devoted to the C group.  The articles in this issue have come in response to the call.  I very much hope that other C group members will continue to contribute articles to this section, which offers a unique platform to share our ideas and practices.  "Use it - or lose it."

Apart from The Ukraine Collection, C Group contributions include Creating a Story Book for  Children by Motikala Subba Dewan, Laika by Jamie Keddie, Poems to Stories by John Kay, No More by Charles Hadfield, Perceptions of Special Teachers as Described by Vietnamese Students by  Phuong Le, and Found in Translation by Jane Spiro.                           

As for Pilgrims news, we are really looking forward to IATEFL in Belfast. We can meet again f2f! If you are planning to attend look out for Pilgrims trainers who will be presenting:

Chaz Pugliese on Weds 18th May at 11am on

Ushering in the 21st century: the Emotionally Intelligent Teacher


Hania (Hanna) Kryszewska on Wednesday 18th  May  at 14:55 on Lessons learned when teaching B1-C2 levels in covid-time online classes

In this issue there is of course some Pilgrims news in Message from Chaz Pugliese Director of Education and Teacher Training, Pilgrims. Since from now on we will be mostly based in Limerick (especially in the summer) here is a limerick* about Pilgrims at Limerick.

*A limerick: A limerick is a humorous poem consisting of five lines with a strict rhyme scheme of AABBA, in which the first, second and fifth line rhyme, while the third and fourth lines are shorter and share a different rhythm



There’s a course you’ll enjoy, to be sure,

For your teaching ‘blocks’ we’ve a cure.

So, don’t you delay

Go on and book today.

(And) we guarantee you’ll be back for more

On the silly note, in Getting Old Hania (Hanna) Kryszewska, the editor of HLTmag, tries to come to terms with turning 65, and in Honey she shares some private files with lexical chunks collected by Paul Davis, a Pilgrims trainer greatly missed, which illustrate his humorous view on The Lexical Approach.

But the main contributors are the INDEPENDENT AUTHORS & PUBLISHERS, so without further ado I will hand over to Rob Howard, who is the host editor who has put together a second issue of HLTmag in such a spectacular way. Thank you so much Rob. Working with you is always such a great pleasure.


Enjoy the April issue of HLT.

Hanna (Hania) Kryszewska

HLT Editor



It is, once again, a great pleasure to introduce this latest edition of HLT Magazine. As the organizer of the INDEPENDENT AUTHORS & PUBLISHERS, now in our sixth year, I was delighted to be invited by Hanna Kryszewska to compile this collection of articles from my network of professional friends and colleagues from around the world. Being a small part of the great work that Humanizing Language Teaching Magazine and Pilgrims have been doing over the years is humbling and the support from the writers in this edition speaks volumes as to the kindness of the ELT community.

With all that we have been through over the past two years, the ability for teachers and education practitioners to write, produce, and self-publish their own specialized works has increased tremendously. As many of us have been sequestered in our homes for way too long, the chance to promote our materials at conferences has been challenging to say the least. Having the chance to help divulge new titles and new authors, along with seasoned veterans to the trade, at one of the premier ELT conferences again this year is indeed an honour, and we plan to continue long into the future.

This year’s booth will be a little less populated for a few reasons. We are proud that a few of our participants in the past have grown enough to warrant and afford their own booths. This was our vision back in 2016 when Dorothy Zemach and I began discussing the concept of the INDEPENDENT AUTHORS & PUBLISHERS (for the story behind this, click here and read my text in HLT Magazine’s April 2019 edition). Others, some in Japan and New Zealand, due to travel restrictions, difficulties because of the Belfast location, and the questionable stability of the health and welfare of the world, will sadly not attend the conference this year, but we expect to be rejoined by many of our group next year and are already planning a larger, more prominent booth for next year’s event. I would be remiss if I didn’t thank Jon Burton, Louise Atkins, and all the hard-working staff at IATEFL for their continued loyalty to the INDEPENDENT AUTHORS & PUBLISHERS and believing in and supporting the needs of this growing market segment of authors and material producers.

In this edition, please enjoy the submissions from all the writers. I wish to thank those who answered my call for articles.

In the General section, we start with Chris Walklett from the UK with Uplifting Sunken Spirits – Using Music to Explore, Empower & Enlighten, and Grazzia Maria Mendoza Chirinos from Honduras with The Power of Education Networks.

Under Teaching Higher Levels, we have Magdalena Dygała from Poland with The Effect of Suggestopedia Method in Teaching Vocabulary to First Grade Secondary School Students, Roy Bicknell of the Netherlands with New Classroom, New Strategies – Reading and Reflection, and Michelle Hunter from Germany and the UK with Creating a Level Playing Field for EMI Business Degree Students.

Under Technology, please find Grazzia Maria Mendoza Chirinos and Juana Espinoza de Ayestas, both from Honduras with Interaction and Engagement in Virtual Environments, Letizia Cinganotto from Italy with Open Educational Resources for Language Learning and CLIL in Italy During the COVID 19 Pandemic, and Oskar Rożewicz from Poland with The Challenges of Blended Learning During the Coronavirus Pandemic.

Next is Teachers with articles from Jorge Torres Almazán of Mexico with Encouraging Local Material Writers, and Beatrix Price from Hungary with Together We Stand: Collaboration Within And Across Teachers’ Associations.

In 21st Century Skills,  Karin Heuert Galvão from Brazil with Employability vs. Workability in ELT: What Comes After the Pandemic.

On to Lesson Ideas with contributions from Christina Chorianopoulou in Greece with the Ears Peeled Project, and IA&P’s own Walton Burns from the US with Using Minecraft as a Teaching Tool.

More in Voices from Steve Hirschhorn in the UK with Strategic Competence and Why We Don’t Love It As Much As We Should and So What Do You Do Then?, another IA&P member Susan Holden of Scotland with Where Are We? Who Are We? Why…? Changing Realities, and longtime IA&P supporter Marjorie Rosenberg from Austria with Staying Positive in Difficult Circumstances.

Finally, in Publications, a review of The Owl Factor: Reframing your Teaching Philosophy, by the author, André Hedlund from Brazil.

Thank you to all that joined in and it is nice to have a friends that can be counted on to help our Community of Practice, our future teachers, and our profession to grow, thrive, and prosper together.

If you are lucky enough to be at the IATEFL Belfast Annual Conference this year, please stop by the booth to meet Dorothy, myself and many of the independent authors making up the INDEPENDENT AUTHORS & PUBLISHERS and to get a taste of the fruits of our labors. This year’s line-up will include Wayzgoose Press, Alphabet Publishing, Efficient Language Coaching, University of Michigan Press and my EFLtalks and Online Language Center. Many will be joining in with books, book signings, teaser postcards, and more. We hope you too may join us in the future whether as an exhibitor at the booth or as a contributor to, hopefully, the next IA&P edition of HLT Magazine.

Happy reading!


Rob Howard

Host Editor of HLT


Rob Howard  is the owner of Online Language Center and Business Language Training Institute and founder of EFLtalks. He is a teacher, writer and worldwide speaker regarding Business English, Online teaching, Teacher Development and using technology and images. He is joint coordinator of the IATEFL BESIG, He has authored and coauthored several books for EFL. He is a presenter and panelist for various Gallery Teachers TEFL Masterclasses and a trainer for the iTDi TOEFL Teacher Training Course, and co-founder of the Independent Authors & Publishers.

Tagged  Editorial