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October 2023 - Year 25 - Issue 5

ISSN 1755-9715



Various Articles - In Memoriam

  1. Remembering Susan Holden. RIP

Various Articles - Secondary

  1. A Way to Advancement in EFL Through Literature and Polish, Marija Liudvika Drazdauskiene, Poland and Lithuania

Various Articles - Storytelling

  1. Story Telling Today: Part 1, Bink Venery, UK and Italy

Various Articles - Coaching

  1. Coaching in the ESL Classroom, Emmanuelle Betham, UK

Various Articles - Tertiary and Adult Education

  1. Factors Leading Academic Writing Students to Plagiarism and Their Strategies to Avoid It, Chindy Putri Susilaningtyas, Listyani and Antonius Wahyana, Indonesia
  2. In-Company Training as an Organizational Form of Professional Improvement, Dora Mirta Troitiño Díaz, Cuba
  3. Digital Communicative Competence in the Foreign Languages Degree Course, Sandra Alemán Blanco and Adys Maria Nassiff Samón, Cuba

Various Articles - General/ Teachers Belief Systems

  1. Connecting What We Do as Teachers With What We Believe and Who We Are, Rod Bolitho and Alan Maley, UK

21st Century Skills

  1. Twenty Strategies to Engage 21st Century Learners in the Teaching-Learning Process, Shabir Hassan Banday, India
  2. “Kill or let die?” - Students’ Reaction to a Moral Dilemma in an EFL Task, Andrea Huszákné Vendégh, Hungary
  3. Taiwanese EFL College Freshmen’s Use of Blogging for Extending Their Engagement with English Learning, Chin-Wen Chien, USA
  4. A New Citation Standard for AI-Generated Content, A.G. Elrod, Netherlands

Lesson Ideas

  1. An Introduction to Accessibility, Tom Lennard, France
  2. Teaching Kazuo Ishiguro’s Novel Never Let Me Go and Improving Reading Skills, Alenka Blake, Slovenia
  3. Developing Presentation Skills: The Simulated Conference, Anila R. Scott-Monkhouse, Italy
  4. Teaching Expository Writing to ESP 4th Year Medical Students, Ania Gómez Gómez, Pedro E. Rodríguez Rodríguez, Cuba
  5. Positive Psychology in the Secondary EFL Classroom, Tamara Schüszler, Hungary
  6. Tales of Strays ACTION!, Margarita Kosior, Greece/Poland

Golden Classics

  1. Mind Maps in Teaching and Learning, Anna Cetnarowska, Poland

The Creativity Group

  1. Let Me Tell You a Story You Haven’t Heard Before: Setting up Global Online Storytelling Courses and Coaching, David Heathfield, UK
  2. How Much Sleep Do Teachers Really Need?, Danny Singh, Italy


  1. To Go or Not To Go, That Is The Question, Danny Singh, Italy


  1. Short Book Reviews, Hanna Kryszewska, Poland
  2. Cooperative Learning and the Sustainable Development Goals from Peachey Publications
  3. Three New Titles from Crown House Publishing
  4. Tune Into English, Fergal Kavanagh, Italy


  1. Testing Times: UK Government to Focus on Legal English in Order to Preserve ESP (English for Sovereignty and Patriotism), Geoff Tranter, Germany


  1. Two Poems, Muhammad Iqbal, Pakistan

To the Editor

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